Saturday, 1 February 2014

About visas and bikes

The two wee bikes we got off eBay are back home after few weeks spent in the work shop for some TLC.... They are running perfect now, but it seems they had never been maintained much. 
We will need to do another oil change before going. We also got them fitted with custom made bash plates and panniers frames. It did not cheap all that! 

As for the best news of the month, we finally got our Russian business visas. They are valid for one year and are multi entry! 
Now we have to do the leg work to get the rest, but should be easier as we only need tourist visas.

We will start applications for those in a couple of week time.

I am anxious that something could come up and we would have to delay or cancel the trip. I will believe it is happening only when we set off! 

Meanwhile my planned itinerary is starting to look shaky. I was planning to cross Ukraine. I hope it will still be possible in 10 weeks time! If violence spread and it turns into full revolution, we may have to take a detour.
So plan B is via Turkey and Georgia. No need for additional visas for this. 

That's all for now on our preparations! 

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